CBDepot’s commitment to Novel Food compliance began in early 2016, shortly after the CBDex® brand was launched by Cannabis Pharma. Their EU application NF 2019/1371 was the first ever CBD-specific dossier to have reached validation status on March 27th, 2020.
On 13th February 2020, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) announced that it will allow the UK CBD industry a deadline of 31 March 2021 to submit valid novel food authorisation applications. After 31 March 2021, only products which have been submitted in a valid application with verified products, which were on sale on the 13/02/20 would be allowed to remain on the UK market. The authorisation process ensures novel foods meet legal standards, including on safety and actual CBD content.
In early January 2021, CBDepot filed two Regulated Product applications with the UK FSA, in order to grant access for its two grades of Cannabidiol to the biggest legal CBD food supplement market worldwide: application RP70, for Pure Cannabidiol with 4MP®- branded secondary products in the forms of carrier oils, measured dose spray, and chewable tablets, and application RP85, for Isolated Cannabidiol and CBDex®-branded secondary products in the form of carrier oils linked to this dossier.
“Validated food supplements under the CBDex® and 4MP® brands may remain on the UK market for legal sale leading up to final authorisation in 2022. CBDepot’s battery of proprietary Tier 1 and Tier 2 studies on Genotoxicity, Subchronic Toxicity and Toxicokinetics of Cannabidiol, already presented to the UK and EU authorities, give us solid grounds for the future of our UK & EU operations.”, confirms Boris Baňas, founder and CSO of CBDepot.
“This is an outstanding joint achievement by CBDepot’s and 4MP’s regulatory, scientific and product development teams. Our initial offering of practical premium CBD products will be shortly followed by further ranges of premium quality CBD foods and food supplements. Today, with the UK easing of covid lockdown restrictions for the non-essential retail and sports facilities sectors, consumers will soon have ease of access to our product ranges. Working together with UK Trading Standards and the Home Office, we look forward to executing our 2021 planning to manufacture all our finished products in the UK”, states Scott Cooper, Product & Business Development Director of 4MP Technologies.
4MP entered the Cannabinoid (CBD) market in 2017, targeting the sports, wellbeing and wholefood sectors. Developing a connoisseur range of CBD oils, powders and wholefood supplements. The synergy with CBDepot to produce pure, premium quality and safe products is cemented in their respective DNA’s.
CBDepot is a pioneer in the manufacture of high-quality natural and synthesized cannabinoids. With roots dating back to 2014, the company has been a leader in helping to establish legal and quality standards for cannabinoid-specific ingredients that have a fast-growing presence in sectors including foods, cosmetics, medical devices and magistral formulas.